Sharptooth, the protagonist in “Wedding with the Sun”, is the bravest mouse on earth. He defeats all of the strong and warrior mice and wins every contest. Sharptooth rejects the marriage proposals of the lady mice and instead seeks to marry the strongest being on Earth.
Like humans, he dons a suit and sunglasses for a short journey in pursuit of his goal. He looks for the strongest beings to propose to but every time he meets someone stronger than the last. So, he keeps on to the next. But how much longer can he do this? Who is the strongest of all? Sharptooth is not one to call it quits. He will not rest until he finds his match.

This story is a rewriting of an old tale with a modern narration by Ahmad Akbarpoor. It is a narrative adorned with lively and colorful illustrations of Hamideh Khosravian and crafted meticulously into a quality book that stands out among the many retellings.
“Wedding with the Sun” not only entertains with its reader-friendly story, but also subtly reminds the reader of the significance and value of paying attention to internal and external qualities, whether they are superiorities or limitations, and provides today’s children a more tangible definition of concepts like greatness, power, and superiority.
[By Hamid Abazari]